Vaginal/Vulvar Rejuvenation with PRP

We lose volume in certain areas as we get older. This can happen in the face and can also happen in the vulva. The Vampire winglift is a procedure that can provide a more youthful appearance to the external genitalia without surgery.

The Vampire Winglift combines injections of filler and PRP in the labia majora similar to the Vampire face procedure.

What Are the Benefits of a Vampire Wing Lift?

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Works well in combination with the O shot plus

There is a rejuvenation of the vaginal and vulvar area. The filler along with fat in the area act as a scaffold and hold the platelets in place where they can release their rejuvenating growth factors and hopefully attract stem cells to the area.

Benefits include:

  1. Improved blood flow which may result in healthier tissue and sensation
  2. Stimulation of collagen and elastin giving a more youthful appearance to the skin
  3. Enhancing blood flow to the labia.
  4. Tightening and toning of labial skin.
  5. A plumper, more full appearance.
  6. Brightening the color of the labia


The Vampire Wing Lift only takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete, with minimal downtime. There can be swelling and bruising post procedure.

Fast and Long-Lasting Results

In general, you may notice an immediate improvement in sagging skin, with results lasting up to 1-2 years. Multiple sessions can give better results. If you are concerned with texture and tone of the skin, you may want to include Microneedling of collagen stimulators, also.